Thursday, 3 January 2008

Today KUOW interviewed Republicans Luke Esser, Alex Hays, and Larry Stickney

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03/01/2008 11:44

Dear Mr. Esser, Hays, and Stickney,

I am 24 year old Snohomish County resident who heard you speaking on KUOW today. I have some questions for you three:

1. What does the Republican party intend to do to protect citizens from the abuses of giant international corporations? (Such as water and air pollution, harmful chemicals found in toys and cosmetics, hormones and antibiotics in meat and milk, privatization of everything leaving poor citizens with no access, etc.)

2. What does the Republican party intend to do to make sure that poor citizens don't suffer from the patenting of plant and animal DNA?

3. Why does the Republican party feel that allowing gays and lesbians to marry would be the greatest threat to the family structure in America? I personally feel that glittery and pervasive advertising from big corporations, outrageous credit card interest rates, deceptive housing loan agreements, and the response of human greed to these things is a far greater threat to the American family structure. Would protecting American families against the destruction of material greed do more for our families than creating laws that will never actually be effective in stopping people of the same gender from having romantic relationships with each other?

I will post a copy of this email on my blog (, along with any responses you would like to give. Let's start a dialogue.

Thank you,

Loretta Fisher