Thursday, 3 January 2008

Today KUOW interviewed Republicans Luke Esser, Alex Hays, and Larry Stickney

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03/01/2008 11:44

Dear Mr. Esser, Hays, and Stickney,

I am 24 year old Snohomish County resident who heard you speaking on KUOW today. I have some questions for you three:

1. What does the Republican party intend to do to protect citizens from the abuses of giant international corporations? (Such as water and air pollution, harmful chemicals found in toys and cosmetics, hormones and antibiotics in meat and milk, privatization of everything leaving poor citizens with no access, etc.)

2. What does the Republican party intend to do to make sure that poor citizens don't suffer from the patenting of plant and animal DNA?

3. Why does the Republican party feel that allowing gays and lesbians to marry would be the greatest threat to the family structure in America? I personally feel that glittery and pervasive advertising from big corporations, outrageous credit card interest rates, deceptive housing loan agreements, and the response of human greed to these things is a far greater threat to the American family structure. Would protecting American families against the destruction of material greed do more for our families than creating laws that will never actually be effective in stopping people of the same gender from having romantic relationships with each other?

I will post a copy of this email on my blog (, along with any responses you would like to give. Let's start a dialogue.

Thank you,

Loretta Fisher

Thursday, 27 December 2007


World Trade Organization Centre William Rappard, Rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland

Dear WTO and Members of the WTO,

I am addressing the WTO as both an institution and as a group of individuals who probably aren’t so different from myself. I am sure you are a group composed of individual mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers who care about the future of the world.
I recently visited the WTO website. On the WTO Trade Topics drop-down menu, I was disappointed to find that there was no topic labeled “World Consumer Protection”. I was surprised to see that there was a topic labeled “Environment”, but when I clicked on it, I was disappointed to see that the introductory sentence to the Environment page was “The WTO has no specific agreement dealing with the environment.” Why can’t an institution with the WTO’s power create such an agreement?
I am just one citizen in one country of this large world. I hope the WTO can understand how small and helpless I feel while the members of the WTO are off signing deals that are going to have a profound impact on me and every other member of every species in this world. In my own country, I can feel pretty helpless, but at least the American government is one institution that allows me to vote for some of its members. From what I can tell, the WTO employs people that I was never allowed to vote for, yet these members construct deals that to me appear to undermine the sovereignty and social/environmental security of the nations of the world.
Although I cannot vote for any employee of the WTO, I want the members of the WTO to know that the people of the world are watching the WTO’s activities, and we are not often pleased by what we see. It is of course true that the WTO has no legal obligation to represent the billions of people of this world in any specific way, but doesn’t the WTO have a social obligation? An ethical obligation?
As a citizen of this world, I want to see a WTO that puts sustainability and the health of all species on this planet before the priorities of profit gain and bottom lines. I want to see a WTO that represents the interests of all citizens and species of this world, not just the interests of wealthy corporations and governments.
Will the legacy of the WTO leave a bitter taste in billions of mouths across this earth? Will we even live to taste that bitterness?
I understand that in a big institution like the WTO, it is probably quite difficult (possibly frightening) for the individual reading this letter to make any large changes. There are always governments, special interest groups, and profit models putting pressure on the international economic institutions. However, I truly believe that if every mother, father, sister, and brother that works for (or is a member of) the WTO would have the bravery to unite, a change could be made.
I will post a copy of this letter to the WTO on my blog, which can be found here: , so that I can share our correspondence with the people I know. I am grateful that a large institution like the WTO has posted an address for people to write to. Please respond to me at Please do not send me insincere pre-planned responses or one-sided propaganda. I want to see that the WTO intends to do something genuine and beneficial for this world.

Please be wise and brave enough to make change.

Loretta Fisher

Monsanto Company

Monsanto Company800 N. Lindbergh Blvd.St. Louis, MO 63167
(314) 694-1000

Dear Monsanto Company and Members of Monsanto Company,

I am addressing Monsanto as both a company and as a group of individuals who probably aren’t so different from myself. I am sure you are a company composed of individual mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers who care about the future of America.

I am a concerned consumer who has heard many negative things about your company’s dairy additive, POSILAC. What I have heard of POSILAC is that is uses the bovine growth hormone, rBST to increase milk production in dairy cows. I have also heard that a boost in dairy production is unnecessary, because the government is already paying dairy farmers to not produce more milk. I have heard that milk from cows treated with POSILAC has been outlawed in the UK and in Canada. I have heard that cows treated with POSILAC often experience painfully swollen udders, and develop infections that cause pus to drip into the milk that is milked from them.

If these things are true, then I think POSILAC is a threat to the safety of our people and our animals. If these things are true, I can’t begin to imagine the effects of other Monsanto agricultural and livestock products. Most people I know are now buying only milk labeled as “Not produced using rBST”. (Though I don’t know how trustworthy those labels are.) I am currently researching Monsanto products in an attempt to identify which companies use Monsanto products, so that I can avoid purchasing those products. I intend to share any information I find with my friends, family, and the families of the children I tutor.

I understand that in a big company like Monsanto, it is probably quite difficult (possibly frightening) for the individual reading this letter to make any large changes. There are always stockholders, special interest groups, and profit models putting pressure on big companies. However, I think an intelligent business has to keep the loyalty of a large consumer base. That can only be done for so long by suppressing scientific information. Especially in the age of the internet, the truth will leak out and the public will know.
I truly believe that if every mother, father, sister, and brother that works for (or holds stock in) Monsanto would have the bravery to join together, I think a change could be made. As a consumer, I suggest that your company start doing something to win the trust of the global public now. The more time that goes by, the more we want quality, not quantity. We want a sustainable future for our children, not a race to deplete all we can from the earth and its creatures in the interest of short term profit gain. I suggest that your company find innovative and earth friendly fields of agriculture to direct your focus toward. Monsanto could do this while it still has the time keep economic risk low by making the changes gradually.

I will post a copy of this letter to your company on my blog, which can be found here: , so that I can share our correspondence with the people I know. Please respond to me at Do not send me insincere pre-planned responses or Monsanto advertising. I want to see that your company intends to do something genuine and beneficial for this world.

Please be brave enough to make change.

Loretta Fisher